Flexibele schroeftransporteurs

Flexicon flexibele schroeftransporteurs

Met wereldwijd meer dan 10.000 geïnstalleerde flexibele schroeftransporteurs, heeft Flexicon een zelfde bulk transportprobleem als bij u, waarschijnlijk al vele malen opgelost. Dit betekent voor u, transport van bijna elk soort stortgoed of gemengd product, overal naar toe, onder een hoek, over, onder of om obstakels heen, door kleine openingen, over korte of lange afstand.


Low horsepower motors, simple gear reducers and ultra-efficient operation significantly cut energy cost per volume of material conveyed.
The flexible screw conveyor discharge end can be suspended on chain or cable, attached to a ceiling support, or affixed to process equipment of the rim of a vessel.
Flexibele schroef
Rugged flexible screw is the only moving part contacting material, moving free-and non-free-flowing materials that tend to pack, cake or smear, with no separation of blended products. It is driven above the point at which material is discharged, preventing material contact with bearings or seals. Small to wide diameter screws in many geometries handle low to ultra-high capacities.
Flexibele buis
Flexible plastic, rigid plastic or rigid carbon/stainless steel tubing can be routed vertically, horizontally or at any angle, through small holes in walls or ceilings. Enclosed system contains dust.
A wide range of standard and high-flow hoppers is available to feed the flexible screw conveyor's charging adapter.
Flow promontion
A variety of vibratory and mechanical hopper flow promotion devices is available to move non-free-flowing material into conveyor charging adapter.



Samuel de Marezhof 18
3953CH  Maarsbergen

BTW nr.: NL867166332B01
KVK nr.: 95524754


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